Jul 25, 2009



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!hahax,well today is my 17 YEARS OLD birthday=)erm..actually my birthday very normal de la and one more thing OLD adi le lo..haha^^ wanna tell all my friend thx for the birthday wish and present ya=) and who havent give it my present and birthday wish de,remember it owh..cheer juz KIDDING de la..=D

today juz went to INTERACT IU DAY..hmm,wanna ask it myself have fun there??hmm..coz tat's my first time go for IU DAY=)erm..actually can say fun and no fun..about FUN is i almost like tat last hour all DANCE!!coz i saw all the guy and girl juz dance it around or make one group dance together!wow~dam enjoy it wei~feel at DISCO..nice luu=)summore can let us get HIGH!!i love tat loo..hahaxD
NOT fun is about my friend,haiz~dam dulan them..but i dunwan say it out la..>< by the way,about tat IU day is so nice la..have abit fun about DANCE=)i got dance with girl for awhile..tat rite FUN la wei~ xD

IU DAYS juz take until one pic..

Cb harry and me..today i quite dulan him..hmmM

today juz write until here ba..dunwan write to much la..xD

Jul 1, 2009



haizx..mom and my popo will not at home for one month.hmm..after all the housework need to do by ownself jor lo!!T.T and mom not here no cook at all..nid to吃自己 walao,cham dou~ T.T if sometime feel so hungry wanna eat,nid to wait my sister they all back oni go out eat or sendiri cook to eat first..summore nid wash all the thing after eat leh..>_< haizx..still got alot of thing nid to do by ownself de la..hmmmmT.T now i almost like housewife liao..=="

yesterday nite went to see movie transformer2 at sunway pyramidwit my sister them ..and havent have my dinner yet,so my dinner juz having at sunway pyramid lo.. =)we eat japanese food xD but not so nice lo..hmm..finish eat,after pay bill,my sister say wanna pay back to her de..walao~reli吃自己man!!then i juz pay back oni lo..coz juz xiu xiu lui ma..hahaxD and lucky i dint order expesive de..if not bo lui pay..hehexD went to cinema buy thing to eat,summore i cheng them..walao!but itsok la..i very da fang de..cheer xD but sure no nextime..xD
this time tranformer2 better than lastime alot,so cool for this movie+got abit funny de..very nice=)

i think nothing to write jor ba..so juz write until here la..=)